Life has us all on a giant Ferris wheel, spinning endlessly, and along the way, some of us get extra dizzy and fall off. Sometimes, these falls come too soon, piercing our emotions without warning, goodbyes left unsaid and smiles never to be seen again.
Just over a year ago, death paid another visit, as it has done so many times before. But this time, it aimed closer, taking someone dear, Solomon, or as we fondly called him, Uncle Solo.

A calm Tuesday afternoon in early January 2021, the phone pinged with an incoming call from a good friend. Little did I know that this call would shatter my world. She asked, “Have you heard from Solo?” I replied confidently, “No, but we had lunch in December, met him last week, and were supposed to see each other again this week. I called him a couple of days ago, but he was busy and said he’d call back. He’s probably caught up with work.” Her sigh hinted at something ominous. She then dropped the bombshell – many people were posting ‘Rest in Peace – R.I.P’ on Solo’s Facebook wall. It made no sense to her. She called another friend who worked with Solo, and the grim confirmation came. Solo had suddenly passed away.
The world seemed to freeze around me. Solomon, a friend of over a decade, a world-class IT consultant, a well of wisdom, and my guiding light, was gone. He was more than a friend; he was my sanctuary, a place to turn to for advice that unfailingly led me down the right path. We often met after work, where he’d welcome me with his favorite brand of red wine, Nederburg. Our conversations spanned from possibilities and opportunities to family, future plans, and much more. Just a week earlier, he had promised to shed more light on something significant. But now, that next meeting would never happen.
The news left me shattered, a sudden loss of a friend, mentor, and confidant. My fingers, trembling, navigated to Solo’s Facebook page, a virtual memorial filled with heartfelt comments. Tears welled up in my eyes. Death had struck, taking away those we cherish, and leaving us grappling with the pain of acceptance, healing, and moving forward. Some people can never be replaced, and Solomon was one of them. His passing made me question the purpose of our existence – if we were all destined to die in the end. I had no answers, but I learned that our emotions respond to death, no matter how tough we appear. Solomon was a treasure lost forever, and his memory will forever be etched in my heart.
Love takes many forms, transcending beyond human relationships. Sometimes, it’s the love we share with our loyal pets. They, too, make a profound impact on our lives.

As the saying goes, “A dog is man’s best friend.” This truth became a personal testimony for me, an indescribable love that defied explanation. It all started with an encounter with a breed I had never seen before – the Boerboel. These massive, strong, and lovely dogs, with their lion-like appearance, instantly captivated my heart.
My journey to become a dog lover began when I visited a friend and business partner, Nana Osei Bonsu, who happened to be a Boerboel breeder. These majestic dogs excited me, and I couldn’t let the opportunity slip by. I embarked on a quest to find and buy one for myself, and a friend named Olumide, a Nigerian residing in Ghana, offered to help.
My birthday in March 2008 brought an unexpected gift – a Boerboel named Tank. This six-month-old pup, with his fawn-colored fur, stole my heart from the moment I held him. Tank was more than a pet; he was a companion, a friend, and a protector. Our bond deepened as we spent countless hours together, playing on the beach, patrolling the house during power cuts, and sharing lazy moments.
Tank was more than a dog; he was a part of me, a confidant who understood me better than most humans. He made his presence known in our neighborhood, offering protection and love. Even when I traveled, Tank felt my absence and gave me the silent treatment until I made amends.
Despite the occasional troubles, Tank remained my favorite among the Boerboels I later added to my pet collection. His tragic end in 2015 after a fight with another dog left a void in my heart that could never be filled. Tank was more than a pet; he was a loyal and loving friend who had taught me the depth of unconditional love.
Amidst the stories of loss and love, have you ever pondered how your journey on this earth will conclude? Death is an inevitable part of life, transcending across various religions and beliefs. As a Christian, I embrace the idea of a peaceful transition into the afterlife.
I admit to having a unique perspective on death – a death wish, if you will. While many have bucket lists of things to accomplish before their demise, they often overlook the final exit. My death wish may be unsettling to some, but it’s a reflection of my desire for a peaceful departure, far from tragedy, pain, or terminal illnesses.
In my vision, I picture a tranquil transition surrounded by family, close friends, and those who have touched my heart. I imagine myself in my favorite place on earth, the beach. It’s where I’d want to say my final goodbye, with the ocean breeze as a welcomed guest, carrying the soothing sound of waves – nature’s powerful yet gentle lullaby.
My death wish is a celebration of my life, filled with joy, laughter, and wine. It’s an evening with loved ones, vibrant and colorful like a Hawaiian theme, a time to express gratitude for my accomplishments and the lives I’ve touched. It’s a moment of reflection, where I’ll smile at everything and everyone, my heart free of pain or grudges.
As I sit on the balcony, my faithful Boerboel, Tanky, by my side, I’ll soak in the last breaths of air. The moment will be marked by decreasing heartbeats, a slow and peaceful descent. I’ll gaze into the eyes of my loved ones, and then, in serenity, my journey to eternity will begin.
Though my passing may bring tears and pain to those left behind, I know that my love, wisdom, and encouragement will endure. My purpose fulfilled, my legacy carried forward. It will be a bittersweet farewell, marked by blessings and love.
In these stories of life, love, and loss, I’ve learned valuable lessons:
- Forgiveness and letting go of grudges free the heart.
- Cherish each day, live in the present, and don’t sweat the small stuff.
- Love unconditionally, both receiving and giving love.
- Live for humanity, make a positive impact on others.
- Treasure every moment with loved ones because life is short.
- The void created by death is irreplaceable.
- Embrace people at various stages of life, for everyone has a purpose.
- All living things form emotional connections, and losing them leaves a void.
- Life’s journey is complex yet simple; control what you can and savor the small moments.
- Find joy